
Wall Street 2 trailer needs more Shia LaBeouf freeballin

Man, Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps looks terrible. Granted, I’m not going to see this movie in the theatres. I might rent it if the reviews are solid enough, or if I need a fix of Shia LaBeouf. But is it just me, or is the trailer cut in a weird way? Like, the studio is financing this expensive sequel to an acclaimed, Oscar-winning film, but they’re worried that their old star (Michael Douglas) does not have any kind of fan base anymore, so they hire the young kid with some zillion-dollar franchises under his belt (Shia LaBeouf), so why not feature Shia more heavily in the ads?

Or, even more to the point, why not feature Shia’s junk more heavily in the trailer? I mean, the studio seemed to take issue with Shia wearing underpants during filming, as evidenced by the numerous photos that came out of the set of Shia freeballin’ (below). I mean, someone must have said something to Shia about his lack of man-panties. And he either disregarded the warnings, or his balls got studio approval. Either way, the trailer needs more balls.

Michael does look like he was having fun with the role, though. Grampa Viagra needs a hit, so bless his heart. Oh, and the suits are great! Isn’t it nice to see Shia in a great suit?

Shia La Boeuf and Michael Douglas Chow Down In Central Park!


Trudie Dory

Update: 2024-04-11