
Best controller settings for PS5 revealed

Overwatch 2 is a first-person hero shooter title with a focus on intense, fast-paced gameplay, making precise aim and tracking capabilities a must. Cross-play is now enabled, and users with controllers will be competing with players on mouse and keyboard. This has left players using controllers in a disadvantageous position as mice often provide a superior aiming experience for competitive first-person shooter (FPS) games.

As a result, it has now become crucial for console users to have their controller settings tweaked to perfection in order to outperform their foes during a match, irrespective of the system their opponents are employing.

This article will take a closer look at the best possible settings for the PlayStation 5 controller in Overwatch 2.

Best PS5 controller settings for Overwatch 2

Before proceeding with the settings, ensure that your game is set to a high frame rate. To do this, head over to the in-game Options. From there, navigate to the Video tab and select the Preferred Mode as 'Framerate'. This will allow you to choose up to 120 FPS in your matches.

You can also tweak the gamma and brightness settings as per your choice. Enabling the Framerate mode will provide you with a much smoother and more consistent experience when competing in Overwatch 2.

Other settings recommended to be changed can be found in the Accessibility tab. Here, change the Camera shake to 'Reduced', HUD shake to 'Off', and Reduce Menu Movement to 'Off'.

Once the above settings are tweaked, proceed to the 'Controls' tab in the Options menu and configure your PS5 controller settings as mentioned below:

  • Horizontal Sensitivity: 45% (configure as needed)
  • Vertical Sensitivity: 45% (configure as needed)
  • Aim Assist Strength: 98 (you can choose any value between 95 and 100)
  • Aim Assist Window Size: 80
  • Aim Assist Legacy Mode: Off
  • Aim Assist Ease In: 15 (set this between 10 to 20)
  • Aim Smoothing: 0
  • Aim Ease In: 30 (set this between 20 to 30)
  • Invert Vertical Look: Off
  • Invert Horizontal Look: Off
  • Vibration: Off (Keep this off. Vibrating controllers during a match is distracting and can lead to poor competitive experience. However, for single-player titles it is recommended to keep it turned 'On' for further immersion.)
  • Swap Movement/Aim: Off
  • Legacy Movement/Aim: Off
  • Aim Technique: Linear Ramp (This comes down to personal preference. Linear Ramping is preferred for aiming at lower sensitivities, Exponential Ramp is for higher sensitivities and Dual-Zone is for players who want the best of both worlds)
  • Enable DualSense Trigger Feedback: Off

It is important to note here that all Heroes in Overwatch 2 play differently and hence, it is recommended to use different sensitivity profiles depending on the Hero. For sniper Heroes, it is recommended to use slightly lower sensitivity. Meanwhile, for Heroes like Soldier 76 or Tracer, it is recommended to go with slightly higher sensitivity values.

Every player has a different approach to the game and their controller settings will also vary. This guide aims to provide the best possible experience for users who are new to the game and can serve as a starting point. As you progress through Overwatch 2, you can tweak these settings to match your preferred playstyle.

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Patria Henriques

Update: 2024-04-11